Friday, August 19, 2011

Sea Life Park Internship All Pau

Wednesday August 17th was the last day of my internship at Sea Life Park. I got to do so many cool things including a sea lion interaction, a session with our pacific bottle nose dolphin Kamo where I got to send him on behaviors, feed our sea lions Opu Nui and Pohaku, and at the end of the day I got to do a foot push with Kekaimalu our wholphin ( see the video of that in the All Pau video above, by the way "pau" means finished in Hawaiian, its what we say to our sea lions to let them know their feed is over). Dear friend and fellow covey Erin had her last day on Monday. The three musketeers, Erin, Abby, and I decided to celebrate her leaving by jumping off our ship at cove into the show pool (that video is also in the All Pau video above). That night almost everyone from cove went to the Kona Brewing Company restaurant and said our unofficial goodbyes. On Wednesday after I had scrubbed and dunked my last bucket and said all my goodbyes I realized how much I was going to miss Sea Life Park. Don't get me wrong there have certainly been some challenging times for me throughout this summer, but now that its over I wouldn't change one thing. On Thursday roommate and friend Kaycie and I took a trip to Kailua to eat at the famous breakfast place "Boots and Kimos". Then we just hung out and found funny random things to do. Thursday night we had our last house dinner because of people's busy schedules and second jobs. Unofficial house mate Abby joined us. Kaycie cooked the best coconut shrimp ever and Jeremy made a delicious Chicken Alfredo. We ate out in the back yard area on some of the most random seats, including an exercise ball, a popcorn can and a small table. It was one of the best meals I've had on the island! We all talked and laughed and reminisced and ate until we could barely move. Then Abby made her cookie dough and ice cream concoction called "Bazookie" and we all some how made more room in our stomachs for that too. I know my days here on the island with these dear friends of mine are numbered, two to be exact, so I am glad we are making the most of the time we have left. I will miss them all and remember them always!!

The Full Dolphin Cove Internship Crew before everyone started leaving early

We can tag a dolphin better than anyone

Me feeding one of our sea lions named Opu Nui

Sea Lion named Hanai from the Hawaiian Ocean Theater Area

I got kissed by a sea lion and I liked it ;)

Trainer Katie, Abby and I at the official Scrubbing Station!!

Attempt number 1 at jumping off the ship on Erin's last day
Attempt number 2 at jumping off the ship on Erin's last have to learn quick at Cove :)

The Three Musketeers together one last time!!

The session I got to do with Kamo our 46 year old Pacific bottlenose dolphin. He's one of my favorite!!

Kamo doing his dinosaur impression
The 4 Cove interns left at the Cove Goodbye party
 Abby, Michelle, Erin, and Ella
Us with Apprentice Trainers Kristi and Kyleen

Me and Abby with Apprentice Cove Trainers Kyleen and Brigid
Kaycie and I at "Boots and Kimo's" eating our amazing Banana Pancakes with Macadamia Nut Sauce!!

Having fun at Pier 1 in Kailua with Giant Spoons

Pier 1 also had Halloween masks out early!!

Cramped kitchen preparing for the last full roommate meal

All the roommates, plus Abby and dog Tilly at the amazing meal. Notice the seating of an exercise ball, popcorn can, and small table...oh yeah and the community "napkin" is the towel tucked in Shelly's shirt. I'm going to miss this randomness.

Let the meal begin

Why are we so happy? Cause there is a pan of bazookie behind my head! Why does Abby have on a moped helmet in the house.....I still have no idea :)

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