Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Aloha Party

Last night was our Aloha Party. It's hard to believe our summer internship is almost over. One more week at Sea Life Park and then it will be back to the real world aka the mainland. The experiences and friendships I have gained throughout this summer will be with me forever. This adventure has been all I imagined and more. Thanks for the memories guys you will not be forgotten.
Me and our world famous wholphin, Kekaimalu!!

The Dolphin Cove our Honorary member Reef intern Jarred

The 2011 Summer Sea Life Park Interns!!

Coolest Roommates Ever

The House of honorary house member Abby

One of the Coolest people/trainers I know, Shelly

Courtney tries to teach Jeremy how to tag
This is the correct way to tag a dolphin

This sign has confused me the entire summer

The Aloha After Party Crew...we went to the Waikiki night club called.....

 Erin, Abby, Courtney, Ella, Shelly, and Jarred

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