Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Aloha's Just Keep Coming

Well guys this is it. This will be my last post on the blog, while I'm actually here in Hawaii. Dear roommate and friend Kaycie woke me up this morning (she had my permission to do so) to say our goodbyes. Since she had a full day of work and I need to be at the airport at least two hours early she will not be there to see me off. The hardest goodbyes have and still will definitely be my roommates. They are the people who were there everyday on the good and bad days of work. The ones who would honestly tell you the second you walked in the house how much you smelled like fish and needed to take a shower. The best and longest laughs have always included one or all of them. Yesterday for mine and Courtney's last full day on the island Shelly and Jeremy took us fishing at a botanical gardens in Kailua. It was a catch and release deal but the fish were soo pretty, and the view was one of a kind. After fishing we ate lunch at Ruby Tuesdays, which really reminded me of home. Then it was back to the house for Courtney and I to begin the long daunting task of packing up, what in the past two weeks has become, our very messy room. After a majority of the packing was done we all went out for Acai bowls which are basically acai berry thick smoothies mixed with apple juice and topped with honey, granola and fresh fruit!!! Why Shelly and Jeremy decided to share this delicious secret with us on our last night on the island I do not know ;). It is 9am here, so I officially only have 10 hours left here in Hawaii. I will miss it but as I said yesterday in the car even the "House of Sarcasm" has to have a "Breaking of the Fellowship" (Oh yes I went there my Lord of the Rings People). I know for a fact this will not be the last time I have an adventure with these amazing people. I can't wait to see where this next journey takes me. Mahalo to everyone out there who kept up with the blog. Hope you had as much fun reading it as I did living it, but as Bilbo Baggins said "The Road Goes Ever On and On...." To the mainland of TX and then to Alabama, I'm coming home!!

Of all the fish I've handled this summer, this one is my favorite!!


  1. This blog is awesome! I'm doing the Reef internship this summer and am totally nervous about it. But it looks like so much fun! Thanks for your posts! The fish house video is hilarious. :-P -Andrea

  2. Thanks for the comment. Yes the experiences I had at SLP last summer will last me a lifetime. It is hard work and can be stressful at times but over all it is amazing. In reef you will have a lot of fun working with the big tank sea trek and being in charge of touch pool with the public. Enjoy it!! It's over before you know it.
