Sunday, August 21, 2011

Last Day at the SLP

Friday was the last day for all of the Summer 2011 Sea Life Park Interns. Courtney and I went into the park just as tourist...well tourists with backstage access. We watched a couple of shows. I said my goodbyes to miss Abby, and we got to do a meet and greet with Willy the penguin from HOT (Hawaiian Ocean Theater). It was a sad but fun day, but I have to remember that this adventure is ending so that another one can begin. Three months on a tiny island in the pacific has changed me in ways I could never have imagined. To celebrate and thank Jeremy and Shelly for all the little and bigger things they'd done for us throughout this summer Courtney and I treated all of us to a dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. One last night out for the "House of Sarcasm". I had Thomas make a framed picture from a picture I made on the 4th of July of the entire house that Abby later dubbed the "House of Sarcasm". It fits us all.

Saying Goodbye to one of my dearest friends, Abby
Me by the Hot tank with one of their dolphins

Ahh Cute Penguin, Willy and I have an encounter!!

You can't really see it but there is an amazing piece of cheesecake in front of us.
The Cheesecake Factory Crew
...aka Some of the coolest people on earth!!

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