Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mini Adventures of the Week.

Well things are really starting to flow well at Cove. I am cleared on Dolphin ID's and taking dolphin respiration's. I also got to give my penguin lecture today to a bunch of school kids who were really excited and enthusiastic. On Monday and Tuesday I got to work gates for show, which is super important because we have to do it quickly and smoothly in order to keep our show on track and on time. I actually got to "play" with a dolphin yesterday. A trainer in cove, that is really cool, let me sit in with her on a training session with Nani who is one of my favorite dolphins, beside Kekaimalu our wolphin. I got to give Nani a back rub and give her an SD alongside the trainer (an SD is a visual or tactile signal that tells the dolphin to do a specific behavior) In my case I got to give Nani the SD to do her back was really cool!! Nani is the dolphin in the picture below. Another little adventure that happened this week was when Courtney and the other trainer Kaycie were picking me up from fish prep. We were driving past the front entrance to the park and we saw a female peacock come out of the bushes by the park entrance. We noticed it was limping and saw it had a hurt foot. So since we have a bird rehabilitation and sanctuary at Sea Life Park we decided we would try to catch it to get it help.....well 20 minutes later after climbing around in the bushes by the front entrance and getting some pretty weird looks from the visitors that were coming and going we thought we had it cornered Kaycie on the left side of the bushes coming through Courtney on the right side and me on the outside of the bushes. After all our hard work the peacock flew out over my head and landed on the roof of the building across from Sea Life. We just looked at it for a minute and then got our disheveled scratched up selves (from the bushes not the bird) in the car and drove home. We laughed about it later, but I doubt we will try a peacock rescue mission again anytime soon.
Nani. The youngest member of Dolphin Cove at 7 years old :)

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