Thursday, July 7, 2011

Random Things

Ok so I know I haven't posted anything in a while so since I just blogged about my 4th of July weekend I figured I would post one more blog about two random things that have happened/ have been happening. Ok first random thing, ever since I moved into my room at Shelly's I have noticed three little birds that come and sleep side by side on my window seal. Every night without fail they are always there and always squished together. Courtney and I decided to name them Randy, Paula, and Simon (we were very sleep deprived at the time but the names stuck). Second random thing, we found a pretty nice size crab frozen in the Pacific Herring in Fish House Tuesday. Since again you have a bunch of young adult people who are up at 6am and sleep deprived, we kept the crab and made it our fish house mascot for the day. The name we all finally settled on for the crab was "Sebastian Jose P. Herring"...again it was very early in the morning and we needed something to entertain us while sorting through hundreds of pounds of fish. There was also a debate started when I suggested to name the crab Sebastian, like from The Little Mermaid, as to whether or not the Sebastian in Little Mermaid was a crab or a lobster. The debate lasted all the way until breakfast that morning where Google settled the debate agreeing with me that Sebastian in The Little Mermaid was indeed a crab.

Randy, Paula, and Simon on our window seal

Tuesday Fish House Crew with Abby holding Sebastian Jose P. Herring

Sebastian decided he liked it better on Shelly's head :)

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