Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome to the Fish House

Well today was my first day in Fish House, as you could probably figure out it is the house where we sort all of the fish. The fish come in from the freezer in 20-30lb blocks the night before and they are thaw controlled throughout the night in the fish house. It is pretty cold and very wet in there because we use hoses to finish thawing the fish and then to wash literally the entire room after the fish is sorted (including walls and doors scrubbed with soap and washed thoroughly with hoses). Right now I am only cleared on sorting capelin. We only use the males because the females being filled with eggs could cause problems throughout the day by bursting and such. So there I am in fish house hosing and sorting and singing along to a spring intern from England's ipod shuffle when low and behold I got a throw back to my middle school days. The next song that came up on the speakers was none other than "Bring the House Down" from my all time favorite band S Club 7. It was surreal to say the least, but it put me in a really good mood. One good thing about coming into work at the Fish House at 6am was that Sea Life gives you a free breakfast. Today was pancakes :). The rest of the day went pretty much the same set up for sea lion feeds, scrub buckets, watch the 12:30 dolphin show, scrub buckets, observe gating procedures......and scrub buckets. It's really not that bad but there is a lot of cleaning involved. Got a few more pictures to add today. One is just me killing time getting ready this morning and the others are of the amazing view I get to look at everyday!!!  My first day off is this coming will be nice to be able to relax and be on a Hawaiian beach, which is something I have been too busy to do so far.

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